Dreams do come true – Exhibition of my photos in Milan, Italy! Happy New Year’s Eve and whole New Year :)

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Dreams come true

Dear Friends. I am so immensely happy because dreams do come true. Just a few years ago I was a photographer unknown to anyone, and today my photos are in exhibitions in the fashion capital of the world, which is Milan, Italy. I am so immensely happy.
The new year is leaving, but for me it is a great sign of joy and pride in my work as a photographer, in the fact that I did not follow the beaten path and just take pretty pictures of pretty models – which could be taken by an averagely intelligent monkey.
I tried, through historical and artistic studies, to explore the message of the image so that it spoke more and spoke beyond time.

A huge thank you to Jonathan Lorilla and the team at Iconic Artist Magazine, curator of the New Eyes Exhibition, for noticing my talent and recognizing it.

I wish you, my dear viewer, a beautiful New Year and a joyous New Year’s Eve, may your greatest dreams come true.

And to myself, I wish new Models, who will be willing to pose for my photos the way I wish, so that together we can create beautiful, though not easy painting and photographic visions.

Images are copyrighted! All rights reserved